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search results for: location >> Eastern Europe ; Russia >> Hungary >>
you can refine your search: Balaton (1) Budapest (49) Pecs (1)
choosen category: information >>
possible subcategories: accommodation (51)
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matched results:
Corvin Point Rooms and Apartments Hostel
1082 Nap utca 4
- Budapest
Please enjoy our famous hospitality at Corvin Point Rooms and Apartments which is located in the center of Budapest - close to all the exciting sites - by the Ferenc körút Metro station. We have high quality, large, air-conditioned private rooms of 2-4 pers. and dormitory rooms of 8 pers with shared bathrooms. Our kind 24/7 reception is always ready to inform our guests about how to get around in the city, what current programs are available, and how to get the most of their stay here.
e-mail: info@corvinpoint.com fon: 36.70.544.0224

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